Repositories & Networks

Visit all the public repositories and see the available projects.


Browse handy code snippets and methods written in C#, that you can freely use on your projects. Attribution is not required but i don’t comply if you link to the original URL somewhere. Just remember to update the namespace accordingly to fit your project needs.

Public and free projects (as well as experiments) i made across these years, mostly online-documented and hosted on Git repositories. Feel free to contact me if you found an issue or want to contribute on any of these. A Pull Request is always appreciated. If a project is not intended for production, it will be flagged as “experimental. I intend to keep an always up-to-date documentation, but as everything in life, mileage may vary.

This is basically my notebook made public, its intended for me to keep track of many things i need on my daily dev adventures, but are hosted publicly for anyone to look at, in case it helps.

Open-Source Community

A few words about Commitment and Philosophy

I strongly believe in the Open-Source philosophy,  and consider it the utopia future of what software development should be like. For that reason, all projects published on my site are completely free and Open-Source, supported by the most common open source licenses like Apache, MIT and [L]GPL. I’m committed to keep these projects fully open and free for everyone, forever, as long as the terms of the chosen license are honored.

Extra services

In an effort to support the Open Source community and indie developers around the world, i’m willing to provide shared server space and a small processing quota to other developers that may need it. Free of charge, as long as they apply and provide a valid explanation of the intended usage. Scientific usage is also included on this, and will always be supported, regardless of the field.

So if you need a piece of server space just get in touch at —

Recent updates

Scheduling scripts with CRON

A quick guide on setting up a cronjob to run a shell script at specific... read more

C# CircularBuffer

Efficient, Fast and Resizable Generic CircularBuffer implementation for C# with support for Forward and Backwards... read more

Gnu Screen

Useful cheat-sheet of Gnu Screen shortcuts and program arguments for terminal manipulation and multiplexing. read more

GitHub’s Octocat and Atlassian’s BitBucket logos are property of their respective owners, and are used on this site following the guidelines published under their press kits with the sole purpose of linking to them and showing off integration.