Project Highlights

Featured public and open-source projects, most of them fully documented and built against the .NET Framework/.NET Core ecosystem, with efficiency and profesionality in mind, following current coding and collaboration standards.


Simple, Lightweight and Portable .NET Library for Logging Messages to different outputs like Files, Consoles, and Debuggers, Fully compatible with .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard on Windows, Linux and Mac. Visit this project’s page.

BitBucket Repository
Online API Reference
NuGet Packages

More projects are being added to the site as their documentation gets updated.

In the meanwhile, please check my GitHub Repository to access any other project i published.

GitHub’s Octocat and Atlassian’s BitBucket logos are property of their respective owners, and are used on this site following the guidelines published under their press kits with the sole purpose of linking to them and showing off integration.